
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Zoo Sensory Bin


I have made up this sensory bin for our zoo unit:

The bin consists of pea gravel (much cheaper if you buy a big bag from a home improvement store than to buy pebbles from a craft store), larger decorative stones, Spanish moss, greenery, a water "bath", plastic animals, fence from a John Deere farm set.  I'll give them digging and transferring tools, magnifying glasses, and animals cards to match with (Target $spot has some cute animal action and sound cards right now) .  I bought almost everything except for fence and gravel from the Dollar Tree.

Will be starting our zoo unit this week so check back to see the bin in action.

To see what other moms are doing visit 1+1+1=1


  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm impressed you got all the printables for the year done! I am still working very slowly!

    Your zoo sensory bin looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Adorable bin!

    Popping in from tot schoo.

  3. Oh this is adorable!! The leaves are the perfect touch!!

    I hope you will link this up to my link party, Pinterest Tuesday! I think other mommas would like to Pin your cute sensory bin!

  4. Really cute! Thanks for the tips on where to buy the gravel.
